Using data to tackle disease

Swansea University is to become one of six substantive sites of the newly formed Health Data Research UK (HDR UK), in a strategic partnership with Queen’s University Belfast. The six sites in the HDR project will share an initial investment of £30m for the next five years. Swansea University reports its involvement stems from its … Continue reading Using data to tackle disease

Grahame Guilford

Peter Halligan appointed Chief Scientific Adviser for Wales

First Minister Carwyn Jones has appointed internationally renowned psychologist and neuroscientist Professor Peter Halligan to the post of Chief Scientific Adviser for Wales. The Welsh Government reports Peter Halligan will provide independent scientific advice to the First Minister and lead the development of the Welsh Government’s science policy. He will also work to promote the … Continue reading Peter Halligan appointed Chief Scientific Adviser for Wales

AMs vote to exert pressure to legalise medicinal cannabis

Today AMs tabled a motion to exert pressure on the UK Government to reschedule cannabis from Schedule 1 to Schedule 2, which would recognise the medicinal value of the drug. WalesOnline reports, in response, Health Secretary Vaughan Gething said advocating the use of herbal cannabis, a “raw and illegal” drug, would undermine the evidence-based approach … Continue reading AMs vote to exert pressure to legalise medicinal cannabis

Cardiff Met launches stroke research hub

As part of the Welsh Government’s five year strategy to tackle stroke and its often devastating effects, Cardiff Metropolitan University has launched Stroke Hub Wales (SHW), a resource facility that will support and coordinate research, innovation and education programmes across Wales. Strokes are one of the top three causes of death and the leading cause … Continue reading Cardiff Met launches stroke research hub

Welsh Government announces funding for digital health

The Welsh Government has reported that Health Secretary Vaughan Gething has announced over £5.5m for digital priorities within the Welsh NHS. The funding will be targeted at improving access to information and introducing new ways of delivering care with digital technologies set out in the 2015 Informed Health and Care strategy. Welsh Government has worked … Continue reading Welsh Government announces funding for digital health

Mansel Aylward appointed Chair of Life Sciences Hub

The Welsh Government has confirmed that Professor Sir Mansel Aylward has been appointed as the new Chair of Life Sciences Hub Wales Limited. Launched in 2014 and based in Cardiff, the Life Sciences Hub brings together all facets of the life science sector in Wales including academic, business, clinical, government, professional services and funding organisations, … Continue reading Mansel Aylward appointed Chair of Life Sciences Hub

Welsh companies exhibiting at FIME

With the support of the Welsh Government, Welsh companies will be exhibiting at FIME, the Florida International Medical Expo, the largest medical trade fair in the Americas, next week. Jellagen, based in Cardiff, will be exhibiting at FIME for the very first time, showcasing their next generation collagen products sourced from jellyfish for application in … Continue reading Welsh companies exhibiting at FIME

New academy to train radiologists is due to open next year

Welsh Health Secretary Vaughan Gething has announced a new academy to train the next generation of radiologists and imaging professionals (Welsh Government, 2017). The new National Imaging Academy for Wales, which is being established with £3.4m funding from the Welsh Government, will be based in Pencoed. The new purpose designed state of the art facility … Continue reading New academy to train radiologists is due to open next year

Welsh Government to invest £21m in high quality NHS research

More than £21m will be invested by the Welsh Government during the next year in high quality NHS Wales research to help develop the treatments of tomorrow (Welsh Government, 2017). The Health Secretary Vaughan Gething made the announcement during a visit to the Clinical Research and Innovation Centre at Aneurin Bevan University Health Board. The … Continue reading Welsh Government to invest £21m in high quality NHS research

Vaughan Gething announces all-Wales PrEP trial

The Health Secretary Vaughan Gething has announced an all-Wales study to provide the drug Truvada to all those who would benefit from the preventative treatment (Welsh Government, 2017). The announcement follows the decision on Truvada by the All Wales Medicines Strategy Group. The study will run for at least three years and will begin this … Continue reading Vaughan Gething announces all-Wales PrEP trial

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