Connshing syndrome named as new cause of hypertension

Research led by scientists at the University of Birmingham, in collaboration with colleagues in Germany, has revealed a new cause of hypertension which could lead to major changes in managing the condition (University of Birmingham, 2017). Hypertension often goes unnoticed, but if left untreated can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. Studies estimate … Continue reading Connshing syndrome named as new cause of hypertension

Ambulance response times are effected by air temperature

Ambulance response times in London worsen when air temperatures rise or fall beyond certain limits in summer and winter, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Birmingham (University of Birmingham, 2017). Services are vulnerable to disruptions from both hot and cold weather, with the speed of ambulance response beginning to suffer … Continue reading Ambulance response times are effected by air temperature

Tiny cages could be used to keep vaccines safe

Vaccines and antibodies could be transported and stored without refrigeration by capturing them in tiny silica cages, a discovery which could make getting vital medicines to remote or dangerous places much easier, cheaper and safer (University of Bath, 2017). Vaccines and many other medicines contain proteins which break down and become unusable at room temperatures, … Continue reading Tiny cages could be used to keep vaccines safe

Stimulate your brain when you’re young if you want to stay mentally healthy

Stimulating the brain by taking on leadership roles at work or staying on in education help people stay mentally healthy in later life, according to new research (Bangor University, 2017). The large-scale investigation published in PLOS Medicine and led by Professor Linda Clare of the University of Exeter, recently of Bangor University’s School of Psychology, … Continue reading Stimulate your brain when you’re young if you want to stay mentally healthy

Launch of £13m dementia research centre at Cardiff University

Cardiff University will be playing a major role in the UK’s biggest dementia research initiative with the launch of a £13m dementia research centre (Cardiff University, 2017). With the potential to be awarded a further £17m in research funding over the next five years, the UK DRI at Cardiff University is set to become the … Continue reading Launch of £13m dementia research centre at Cardiff University

A pacemaker for the brain can help memory

Well timed pulses from electrodes implanted in the brain can enhance memory in some people, scientists reported today, in the most rigorous demonstration to date of how a pacemaker-like approach might help reduce symptoms of dementia, head injuries and other conditions (The New York Times, 2017). The report is the result of decades of work … Continue reading A pacemaker for the brain can help memory

Bangor University computer games to research to help treat Parkinson’s disease

Research into how computer games stimulate the brain could be used to help treat Parkinson’s disease (BBC News, 2017). The study looked at the effects of touch screen “spatial reasoning games” on the part of the brain used to control movement. Early research involving sixteen people with Parkinson’s disease showed it could help stimulate impaired … Continue reading Bangor University computer games to research to help treat Parkinson’s disease

Significant improvements to the lives of people with rheumatoid arthritis probably down to early and more aggressive treatment

People living with rheumatoid arthritis have experienced significant improvements in their daily lives, which is probably down to early and more aggressive treatment of the disease, according to new research from the University of Manchester and the University of East Anglia (University of Manchester, 2017). James Gwinnutt, first author of the study, from the University … Continue reading Significant improvements to the lives of people with rheumatoid arthritis probably down to early and more aggressive treatment

IBERS starts £8.8m resilient crops programme

Aberystwyth University’s Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS) is starting a £8.8m programme with funding from The Biotechnology and Biological Research Council (BBSRC) (Aberystwyth University, 2017). This new funding is part of a substantial £319m investment to ensure the UK’s bioscience research base remains globally competitive and at the forefront of meeting the … Continue reading IBERS starts £8.8m resilient crops programme

Magnesium could prevent fractures

Magnesium could hold the key to preventing one of the most preventable causes of disability in middle aged and elderly people, according to new research led by academics at the University of Bristol and the University of Eastern Finland (University of Bristol, 2017). Bone fractures are one of the leading causes of disability and ill … Continue reading Magnesium could prevent fractures

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