Study finds moderate drinkers not as risk when taking methotrexate

A new study has found people taking methotrexate, a common rheumatoid arthritis medicine, are not at increased risk of liver damage if they stick to fourteen units of alcohol a week or less (University of Manchester, 2017). Methotrexate is a drug taken, often over long periods of time, to limit or prevent joint damage and … Continue reading Study finds moderate drinkers not as risk when taking methotrexate

Humans need metal to maintain strong bones, just like Wolverine

An international team of researchers, led by the University of Manchester, has used the Diamond Light Source to image the precise location and chemistry behind the growth in bone for the first time (University of Manchester, 2017). Their research has provided fresh insight into how bones grow and develop, and how the traces of metal … Continue reading Humans need metal to maintain strong bones, just like Wolverine

New role for immune cells in preventing diabetes and hypertension

Immune cells which are reduced in number by obesity could be a new target to treat diseases such as type 2 diabetes and hypertension that affect overweight people, according to a collaborative study between the University of Manchester, Lund University and the University of Salford (University of Manchester, 2017). In a study published in Scientific … Continue reading New role for immune cells in preventing diabetes and hypertension

Mite-proof bedcovers may reduce asthma flare ups in children

Bedcovers which form a barrier to house dust mites appear to reduce asthma flare ups in children, according to new research conducted by the University of Manchester (University of Manchester, 2017). Mite allergy is one of the most common asthma triggers, and in partnership with viral infection can greatly increase hospital admission risk. In the … Continue reading Mite-proof bedcovers may reduce asthma flare ups in children

Synthetic receptor mimics the the way cells talk to the world around them

Researchers from the University of Bristol and the University of Manchester have found a way to mimic the way cells in living organisms talk to the world around them by creating a synthetic receptor which can respond to chemical signals just like its natural equivalent (University of Bristol, 2017, University of Manchester, 2017). Professor Jonathan … Continue reading Synthetic receptor mimics the the way cells talk to the world around them

New drug class kills human whipworm

The human whipworm, which infects five hundred million people and can damage physical and mental growth, is killed at egg and adult stage by a new drug class developed at the University of Manchester, University of Oxford and University College London (University of Manchester, 2017). Current treatments for human whipworm are based on nineteen sixties … Continue reading New drug class kills human whipworm

B vitamins reduce schizophrenia symptoms

A review of worldwide studies has found that add-on treatment with high dose B vitamins, including B6, B8 and B12, can significantly reduce symptoms of schizophrenia more than standard treatments alone (University of Manchester, 2017). The research, on the effect of vitamin and mineral supplements on symptoms of schizophrenia, is funded by the MRC and … Continue reading B vitamins reduce schizophrenia symptoms

New company provides vital resource to scientists in the fight against arthritis

University of Manchester researchers have established a new social enterprise, Inspiral Biomedical Limited, to support the development of new tests and treatments for musculoskeletal conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis (University of Manchester, 2017). Musculoskeletal conditions have a significant impact on people’s quality of life and are a huge burden on society. In the UK, around 21% … Continue reading New company provides vital resource to scientists in the fight against arthritis

Turning off the protein tap, a new clue to neurodegenerative disease

A University of Manchester study has found disabling a part of brain cells that acts as a tap to regulate the flow of proteins has been shown to cause neurodegeneration (University of Manchester, 2017). The research, which was carried out in mice, focused on the Golgi apparatus, a compartment inside all cells in the body … Continue reading Turning off the protein tap, a new clue to neurodegenerative disease

University of Manchester study testing new treatment for Sanfilippo disease progressing well

A study into a new treatment for Sanfilippo disease, a rare and fatal condition which causes progressive dementia in children, is progressing well with results set to be published later this year (University of Manchester, 2017). Sanfilippo disease, also known as Mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) III, currently has no effective treatment. It affects around one hundred and … Continue reading University of Manchester study testing new treatment for Sanfilippo disease progressing well

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