Scientists reveal source of human heartbeat in 3D

A pioneering new study is set to help surgeons repair hearts without damaging precious tissue. A team of scientists from Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU), the University of Manchester, Aarhus University and Newcastle University, have developed a way of producing 3D data to show the cardiac conduction system, the special cells that enable our hearts … Continue reading Scientists reveal source of human heartbeat in 3D

People with dementia benefit from goal-oriented therapy

Bangor University has reported that ninety people who are living with dementia and their carers from across North Wales have contributed to new research findings which have shown that personalised cognitive rehabilitation therapy can help people with early stage dementia to significantly improve their ability to engage in important everyday activities and tasks (Bangor University, … Continue reading People with dementia benefit from goal-oriented therapy

New centre aims to transform services for ethnic minorities with mental illness

The University of Manchester, along with Queen Mary University of London and Words of Colour Productions, has been commissioned to establish an independent centre of excellence on ethnic inequalities, severe mental illness and multiple disadvantage (University of Manchester, 2017). With an award of £1,245,000 from Lankelly Chase Foundation, the Synergi Collaborative Centre will deliver a … Continue reading New centre aims to transform services for ethnic minorities with mental illness

Advanced radiotherapy improves lung cancer survival rates

A ten year University of Manchester and Christie NHS Foundation Trust study which used advanced radiotherapy techniques in patients with limited stage small cell lung cancer (SCLC) has achieved the best survival rates and lowest toxicity ever reported (University of Manchester, 2017). The radiotherapy regimes, given either once daily or twice daily together with chemotherapy, … Continue reading Advanced radiotherapy improves lung cancer survival rates

Rob Bristow appointed as Director of the Manchester Cancer Research Centre

Professor Rob Bristow, one of the world’s leading prostate cancer experts has been appointed by the University of Manchester to lead its cancer research strategy and to be the new Director of the Manchester Cancer Research Centre (MCRC) (University of Manchester, 2017). He will take up his post in August. Professor Dame Nancy Rothwell, President … Continue reading Rob Bristow appointed as Director of the Manchester Cancer Research Centre

Urine test finds people aren’t taking their blood pressure medication

University of Manchester researchers together with their UK and overseas collaborators have found out that more than one third of 1,400 people with high blood pressure have not been taking their blood pressure medication (University of Manchester, 2017). High blood pressure is the single most important risk factor for health loss and premature death globally, … Continue reading Urine test finds people aren’t taking their blood pressure medication

New app for citizen scientists to track seasonal allergies

The public are invited to download a free app to track their seasonal allergy symptoms and to help researchers understand more about why the frequency of allergies is increasing (University of Manchester, 2017). A new and improved version of the app that allows users to track their seasonal allergies as part of a major research … Continue reading New app for citizen scientists to track seasonal allergies

New antibody drug conjugate could be used to target treatment-resistant childhood leukaemia

Researchers at the University of Manchester have discovered that a protein called 5T4, found on the surface of cells, contributes to chemotherapy resistance in the most common type of childhood leukaemia (University of Manchester, 2017). Using a novel approach, early testing shows that targeting the protein with an antibody drug conjugate could hold promise in … Continue reading New antibody drug conjugate could be used to target treatment-resistant childhood leukaemia

Research suggests a new approach to detecting and monitoring inflammatory bowel disease

A University of Manchester test on the mucus lining of the intestine, performed in mice, has found changes in bacteria that could lead to inflammatory bowel disease twelve weeks earlier than previously possible through looking at stool samples (University of Manchester, 2017). The findings, published in Inflammatory Bowel Disease, could lead to the possibility of … Continue reading Research suggests a new approach to detecting and monitoring inflammatory bowel disease

New “transformational” test for rare childhood genetic disorders

The way doctors diagnose a group of rare genetic disorders in children could be transformed by a new test developed by University of Manchester researchers (University of Manchester, 2017). Inborn errors of metabolism (IEMs) are rare inherited conditions where enzymes that break down toxins or serve other essential functions in the body are missing. There … Continue reading New “transformational” test for rare childhood genetic disorders

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