Launch of complimentary clinic for older cats

The University of Liverpool has launched a complimentary service dedicated to improving the health and welfare of older cats. The University of Liverpool reports the Feline Healthy Ageing Clinic, sponsored by pet food experts ROYAL CANIN, aims to understand more about the ageing process and ultimately improve the health, welfare and quality of life for … Continue reading Launch of complimentary clinic for older cats

Hallucinations linked to musical aptitude

New research, published in Schizophrenia Research, links brain structure to an individual’s likelihood of experiencing hallucinations and to their musical aptitude. Previous research has showed that musicians have increased white matter integrity in a specific part of the brain called the corpus callosum, a thick band of nerve fibres that connects the left and right … Continue reading Hallucinations linked to musical aptitude

Viagra is ineffective for foetal growth restriction

A University of Liverpool led international clinical trial has found an anti-impotence drug to be ineffective at improving outcomes for pregnancies complicated by foetal growth restriction. Foetal growth restriction, commonly called intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), occurs when the placenta has failed to develop correctly. In most cases this has happened in the early stages of … Continue reading Viagra is ineffective for foetal growth restriction

Exploring the economics of sight saving technology

Researchers at Bangor University have been exploring the economics of sight saving technology. Over two million people in the UK are living with sight loss. This will double to nearly four million people by 2050 as the population ages and underlying causes like obesity and diabetes increase. This places huge pressure on NHS eye care … Continue reading Exploring the economics of sight saving technology

Blood test spots risk of liver damage after an overdose

People who overdose on paracetamol could be helped by a blood test that shows immediately if they are going to suffer liver damage. The University of Liverpool reports its researchers say the test, which detects levels of specific molecules in blood, will help doctors identify which patients arriving in hospital need more intense treatment. It … Continue reading Blood test spots risk of liver damage after an overdose

University of Liverpool tackling antibiotic resistance

A new European research project aiming to help tackle the emergence and spread of drug resistant superbugs is underway at the University of Liverpool’s Institute of Infection and Global Health. Funded by the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPI-AMR) and led at the University Liverpool by Professor Aras Kadioglu, who report the project focuses … Continue reading University of Liverpool tackling antibiotic resistance

Complex clinical challenges project awarded £1.8m

Researchers from the University of Liverpool have been awarded approximately £1.8m to lead a multinational research consortium seeking to define the best and safest treatments for patients who require treatment for tuberculosis whilst receiving second line antiretroviral therapy (ART). The University of Liverpool reports that the VirTUAL Consortium (Vulnerable patient Tuberculosis AntiretroviraL), which is led … Continue reading Complex clinical challenges project awarded £1.8m

Ageing has opposite effects on male and female tendons

New research from the University of Liverpool, published in Nature Scientific Reports, has identified that ageing has distinct and opposite effects on the genes expressed in the tendons of males and females. Tendons are bundles or bands of strong fibres that attach muscles to bones. Tendons transfer force from the muscle to the bone to … Continue reading Ageing has opposite effects on male and female tendons

UK Salmonella cases shed light on African epidemic

Scientists at the University of Liverpool and Public Health England have used Salmonella genome data from a UK public health surveillance study to gain new insights into the Salmonella epidemic in Sub-Saharan Africa. Invasive non-typhoidal Salmonellosis (iNTS) currently kills an estimated four hundred thousand people a year in Sub-Saharan Africa. It is caused by a … Continue reading UK Salmonella cases shed light on African epidemic

Liverpool cancer research centre receives £1m

Cancer research at the University of Liverpool has been given a million pound funding boost thanks to North West Cancer Research. The University of Liverpool reports that the charity, which has already ploughed more than £15m into research at the North West Cancer Research Centre at the University of Liverpool, has agreed the additional funding … Continue reading Liverpool cancer research centre receives £1m

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