Investment of £20m extends AgorIP project to 2023

The AgorIP Project, which has helped the economy and innovation in West Wales to prosper over the last four years, has been extended to benefit all of Wales, with a total investment of more than £20m. AgorIP brings academics, clinicians and businesses together to pioneer research into cutting edge technologies and drive commercial success with … Continue reading Investment of £20m extends AgorIP project to 2023

Inbreeding reduces cooperation in mongooses

Inbreeding can reduce cooperation in banded mongooses, according to a recent study. Swansea University reports its researchers, along with colleagues from the University of Bielefeld and University of Exeter, studied inbreeding and cooperative care in banded mongooses, an African mammal which lives in colonies with a complex social structure. In the Thirties it was proposed … Continue reading Inbreeding reduces cooperation in mongooses

Microneedle skin patches to administer vaccines

A revolutionary new way to give vaccines through microneedle skin patches is being tested at Swansea University, thanks to £200,000 of EU funding announced by the Welsh Government. The coronavirus pandemic is giving extra urgency to the search for vaccines and new ways of delivering them. This important research is being conducted by Innoture, a … Continue reading Microneedle skin patches to administer vaccines

Study looking for autistic adults with experience of accessing help with anxiety

Are you an autistic adult? Do you have anxiety symptoms or have you experienced them in the past? If this applies to you, Swansea University would like to invite you to participate in their project by filling out this survey. This project forms part of a dissertation called “An exploration of difficulties faced by autistic … Continue reading Study looking for autistic adults with experience of accessing help with anxiety

Swansea University leading the way on coronavirus research

Four Swansea University academics are part of major new research project investigating Covid-19 and what it can teach us about coping with future pandemics. Swansea University reports Biagio Lucini, professor of physics and head of Mathematics Department, Mike Gravenor, Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the Swansea University Medical School, and Supercomputing Wales senior research … Continue reading Swansea University leading the way on coronavirus research

Online tools can cut the wait for an autism diagnosis

Parents concerned that their child may have autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can wait up to four years for a formal diagnosis, but two new research studies from Swansea University have shown online assessments can help reduce these delays. In the first study, two hundred parents and carers of children with experience of ASD services were … Continue reading Online tools can cut the wait for an autism diagnosis

Project helping to reduce burn casualties in Nepal

A burn prevention project backed by Swansea University experts has had a dramatic effect on communities in Nepal. Swansea University says, as a result of the initiative introduced by a partnership including its Centre for Global Burn Injury Policy and Research (CGBIPR), no serious burns cases were reported at all last winter. Before it started … Continue reading Project helping to reduce burn casualties in Nepal

You can see it in their eyes: Traumatic events leave a mark on the pupils

The pupils of people with post-traumatic stress disorder respond differently to those without the condition when they look at emotional images, a new study has found. PTSD can occur following a distressing event and causes greater sensitivity, or hyperarousal, to everyday events and an inability to switch off and relax. Cardiff University reports researchers measured … Continue reading You can see it in their eyes: Traumatic events leave a mark on the pupils

Swansea University helps refine a high tech dementia aid

Swansea University innovation experts are helping to develop a smart watch which is already making a vital difference to people living with dementia and their carers. Staff the Healthcare Technology Centre (HTC) have teamed up with Swansea based CPR Global Technology to work on its Guardian II smart watch. Worn on the wrist, it contains … Continue reading Swansea University helps refine a high tech dementia aid

Experts demand urgent government action to prevent coronavirus suicide risk

Experts have warned that governments need to give “urgent consideration” to their public health response to prevent any possible impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the number of suicides. For accurate and up to date information on coronavirus please go to If you’re outside the UK please see the information on coronavirus from your national … Continue reading Experts demand urgent government action to prevent coronavirus suicide risk

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