Welsh universities secure EU funding for the diagnosis and treatment of life threatening diseases

The National Research Network in Advanced Engineering and Materials (NRN AEM), an engineering network set up as part of the Welsh Government’s Science for Wales initiative, has been a significant support in aiding scientists to secure EU investments into Welsh universities (Business News Wales, 2017). Two projects funded as part of the NRN AEM have … Continue reading Welsh universities secure EU funding for the diagnosis and treatment of life threatening diseases

£2.3m BHF Cymru research hosted by Swansea University Medical School

A British Heart Foundation Cymru funded research team led by Professor Alan Williams will be based at Swansea University Medical School from this month (Swansea University, 2017).‌ Swansea University Medical School will offer the opportunity for Alan Williams and his team to continue their unprecedented research in Wales with £2.3m of investment from BHF, after … Continue reading £2.3m BHF Cymru research hosted by Swansea University Medical School

New research helps to make the most of nanoscale catalytic effects for nanotechnology

Research by scientists at Swansea University is helping to meet the challenge of incorporating nanoscale structures into future semiconductor devices that will create new technologies and impact on all aspects of everyday life (Swansea University, 2017). Dr Alex Lord and Professor Steve Wilks from Swansea University’s Centre for Nanohealth led the collaborative research, the findings … Continue reading New research helps to make the most of nanoscale catalytic effects for nanotechnology

Swansea University study looking at delaying the onset of dementia

Dr Claire Hanley, a psychologist from Swansea University’s College of Human and Health Sciences is recruiting for a study using transcranial direct current stimulation, a technology which could ultimately delay the onset of dementia (Swansea University, 2017). Dementia costs £1.4bn per year in Wales. Dr Hanley specialises in cognitive neuroscience, specifically what happens to the … Continue reading Swansea University study looking at delaying the onset of dementia

Welsh researchers have made a major breakthrough in diagnosing bowel cancer

A simple blood test developed by Welsh experts could lead to bowel cancer patients being diagnosed much earlier and significantly improve their chances of survival (WalesOnline, 2016). Initial signs are so promising the test could become used throughout the NHS within the next few years, with a clinical trial starting in GP practices across Abertawe … Continue reading Welsh researchers have made a major breakthrough in diagnosing bowel cancer

Scientists identify a cause and possible route to treat ALS

A team of researchers, lead by Professor William Griffiths of Swansea University Medical School and Professor Martin Turner of the University of Oxford, have published the results of a study that shows for the first time people with ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) have higher levels of cholesterol in the fluid surrounding the brain than people … Continue reading Scientists identify a cause and possible route to treat ALS

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