£33m for new Welsh healthcare products and services
A financial injection, announced by the Welsh Government, has the potential to improve healthcare, grow the economy and create high quality jobs. Cardiff University reports £24m will come jointly from the European Regional Development Fund and the Welsh Government. Over three years it will support ACCELERATE, the Welsh Health Innovation and Technology Accelerator, bringing together … Continue reading £33m for new Welsh healthcare products and services
Redeveloped healthcare app launched at Urdd Eisteddfod
Swansea University’s Academi Hywel Teifi has launched its redeveloped app, Gofalu Trwy’r Gymraeg (Caring through Welsh), at the Urdd Eisteddfod on May 30th. Swansea University reports the app, which helps healthcare workers use Welsh in their day to day work, has been so popular that a new comprehensive version has been developed thanks to funding … Continue reading Redeveloped healthcare app launched at Urdd Eisteddfod
Premature death 3 times more likely with schizophrenia
A new study linking data from GP practices and hospitals shows that people diagnosed with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and other severe mental illnesses are at increased risk of premature death. The research, published in the Journal of Schizophrenia Research, was carried out by Swansea University Medical School and Cardiff University School of Medicine through the … Continue reading Premature death 3 times more likely with schizophrenia
Study looking for people who have self-harmed
A new online study, led by Swansea University PhD student Amanda Marchant, is aiming to learn more about self-harm. The UK has the highest self-harm rate in Europe, with an estimated one in two hundred and fifty people self-harming. The new study, based in Swansea, is called Self-harm Research UK (SHARE UK). SHARE UK is … Continue reading Study looking for people who have self-harmed
Swansea University to host diabetes centre of excellence
Swansea University Medical School’s Joint Clinical Research Facility (JCRF), in collaboration with the Diabetes Research Unit Cymru, has been chosen by the Sanofi Global Network to become the new national centre of excellence. Swansea University reports the JCRF is a joint enterprise between Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board (ABMU) and Swansea University Medical School. … Continue reading Swansea University to host diabetes centre of excellence
Quantum dots from tea leaves destroy cancer cells
Nanoparticles derived from tea leaves inhibit the growth of lung cancer cells, destroying up to 80% of them. The team, involving researchers from Swansea University, K. S. Rangasamy College of Technology, and Bharathiar University, made the discovery while they were testing out a new method of producing a type of nanoparticle called quantum dots. Swansea … Continue reading Quantum dots from tea leaves destroy cancer cells
Child hospital admissions linked to adult mental health
Children who live with an adult with a mental health condition or alcohol dependency are significantly more likely to have an unplanned hospital admission, especially for injury and maltreatment, according to a study by the National Centre for Population Health & Wellbeing Research (NCPHWR). Cardiff University reports the study, which is the first of its … Continue reading Child hospital admissions linked to adult mental health
Electronic health reports improve clinical trial follow up
A new study by Swansea University academics has indicated that the Secure Anonymised Information Linkage (SAIL) Databank can provide a simple, cost effective way to follow up after the completion of randomised controlled trials (RCTs). The study, led by researchers in the Swansea University Medical School and the College of Human and Health Sciences, was … Continue reading Electronic health reports improve clinical trial follow up
Agor IP formally launched today
A £13.5m Welsh Government, EU and Swansea University backed project that is helping to develop innovative health and wellbeing solutions has been formally launched and celebrated today. The Agor IP project brings together academics, clinicians and businesses to pioneer research into cutting edge technologies and drive commercial success. The Welsh Government reports today’s launch event … Continue reading Agor IP formally launched today
Treat alcohol-related hospital admissions like self-harm
People admitted to hospital in an emergency for alcohol-related reasons are at significantly higher risk of suicide and should be treated by hospital staff in a similar way to people who have self-harmed, according to a new report. The study by Public Health Wales, Cardiff University and Swansea University, who reported on it, found they … Continue reading Treat alcohol-related hospital admissions like self-harm