University of Birmingham purchase land for new life sciences park

The University of Birmingham has completed the purchase of 9.9 acres of land at the Battery site in the Selly Oak area of the city, and plans to work with partners to develop the site into a brand new life sciences park (University of Birmingham, 2017). Birmingham Life Sciences Park will include state-of-the-art research and … Continue reading University of Birmingham purchase land for new life sciences park

Wearable robotic tools developed for surgery

A team of researchers led by the University of the West of England (UWE Bristol) is developing a wearable robotic system for minimally invasive surgery, that will offer surgeons natural and dexterous movement as well as the ability to sense, see, control and safely navigate through the surgical environment (UWE Bristol, 2017). The €4m research … Continue reading Wearable robotic tools developed for surgery

Mite-proof bedcovers may reduce asthma flare ups in children

Bedcovers which form a barrier to house dust mites appear to reduce asthma flare ups in children, according to new research conducted by the University of Manchester (University of Manchester, 2017). Mite allergy is one of the most common asthma triggers, and in partnership with viral infection can greatly increase hospital admission risk. In the … Continue reading Mite-proof bedcovers may reduce asthma flare ups in children

High blood pressure can be reduced with deep brain stimulation

A Bristol team has used a deep brain stimulation technique to dramatically reduce a woman’s high blood pressure, the first time in the world the procedure has been carried out for hypertension (University of Bristol, 2017). The case led by North Bristol NHS Trust consultant neurosurgeon Nik Patel working alongside researchers at the University of … Continue reading High blood pressure can be reduced with deep brain stimulation

Morriston researchers get £230,000 for next stage of life-saving study

A study at Morriston Hospital is looking at patients with chest injuries (MediWales, 2017). Chest injuries, while being relatively minor, can lead to serious, potentially fatal complications. Often, these complications do not emerge for several days, leading to people returning to hospital as emergency cases. Now research forming part Morriston’s academic emergency medicine research programme … Continue reading Morriston researchers get £230,000 for next stage of life-saving study

£1.5m boost for cancer research in Liverpool

Liverpool scientists and doctors are set to receive a major cash boost for research into cancer (University of Liverpool, 2017). Cancer Research UK and NIHR plan to invest nearly £1.5m over the next five years in ground-breaking work at the Liverpool Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre (ECMC). The ECMC is a collaboration between researchers at the … Continue reading £1.5m boost for cancer research in Liverpool

Research will look at 999 calls by people with dementia

A project led by the University of the West of England (UWE Bristol) in partnership with University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust is going to look at calls to emergency services by older people with multiple health problems that include dementia (University of the West of England, 2016). Working with East of England Ambulance Service … Continue reading Research will look at 999 calls by people with dementia

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