Brexit fears stop clinical trials in the UK

Clinical trials of a new heart drug have been halted because of concerns over Brexit. The BBC reports medical research company Recardio was due to try the drug dutogliptin on patients in Clydebank, Leeds and Exeter. It has suspended all UK activities due to uncertainty about how new medicines will be approved after Brexit. The … Continue reading Brexit fears stop clinical trials in the UK

Welsh resuscitation device could save babies in Uganda

Hundreds of thousands of babies’ lives could be saved each year in developing countries thanks to a device manufactured in a North Wales Rehabilitation Engineering Unit. MediWales reports the BabySaver, developed by Professor Andrew Weeks, a consultant obstetrician at Liverpool Women’s Hospital, is a simple plastic device that can be used to resuscitate babies without … Continue reading Welsh resuscitation device could save babies in Uganda

Researchers take digital health messages to Westminster

A team from the University of Bath and University of Salford have presented preliminary findings from a new research project on young people and digital health at an event held in the House of Commons. The University of Bath reports the policy event, hosted by Dr Lisa Cameron MP, was attended by researchers, young people, … Continue reading Researchers take digital health messages to Westminster

New database to reduce childhood mortality announced

A new National Child Mortality Database (NCMD) is being developed at the University of Bristol that aims to reduce premature mortality by analysing data on all deaths in children in England. Around four thousand children and adolescents die every year before their nineteenth birthday in England, according to the Office for National Statistics. The UK … Continue reading New database to reduce childhood mortality announced

£2.1m trial into Parkinson’s at the University of Bristol

A UK-wide trial into Parkinson’s disease led by Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust and the University of Bristol is set to go ahead, thanks to a £2.1m grant from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). The University of Bristol reports it will test whether a commonly prescribed dementia drug could prevent debilitating … Continue reading £2.1m trial into Parkinson’s at the University of Bristol

Network launched to help develop drugs for children

A new network, involving paediatric specialists from across the world, has been launched to help facilitate the development of new drugs for children in Europe. The University of Liverpool reports the members of the Collaborative Network for European Clinical Trials for Children (conect4children/c4c), which include specialists from the University of Liverpool, Alder Hey Children’s NHS … Continue reading Network launched to help develop drugs for children

Large Hadron Collider technology to help treat cancer

Technology from the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider, where the Higgs Boson was discovered, will be used in hospitals to improve cancer treatments that employ proton beam therapy. The University of Birmingham reports their researchers, who designed and built detectors for ATLAS, are using their knowhow from the Large Hadron Collider to create … Continue reading Large Hadron Collider technology to help treat cancer

Launch of first medically approved 3D printed bionic arms

Open Bionics has launched the world’s first medically certified 3D printed artificial arms for amputees. After working with NHS England on the first trial of a wearable 3D printed medical device for children and young people, Open Bionics are ready to launch the device commercially in the UK. The Hero Arm, an advanced bionic arm, … Continue reading Launch of first medically approved 3D printed bionic arms

Gene editing could improve blood transfusion compatibility

Synthetic biologists at the University of Bristol have succeeded in generating laboratory made red blood cells with rare blood group types that could one day be used to help people who cannot be matched with donor blood. The provision of blood for people who require repeated blood transfusions, as well as for people with rare … Continue reading Gene editing could improve blood transfusion compatibility

New ultrasound training academy opens with ScanTrainer

The London North West Healthcare NHS Trust (LNWH) has chosen ScanTrainer for its new Ultrasound Training Academy at Central Middlesex Hospital. The new education centre has been designed to ease growing ultrasound training pressures and clinical demands across the trust and beyond. Faced with a looming 24/7 NHS, the imminent rise in demand for diagnostic … Continue reading New ultrasound training academy opens with ScanTrainer

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