A patient with a nasal cannula (Photo: Tima Miroshnichenko)

Experts provide further proof of the role testosterone plays in preventing severe Covid

A new study has revealed important information about how a patient’s testosterone level can help protect them from severe Covid-19. Previous research involving Swansea University investigated how sex hormones are likely to be important determinants of Covid-19 severity. Now the university reports digit ratio expert Professor John Manning, of the Applied Sports, Technology, Exercise and … Continue reading Experts provide further proof of the role testosterone plays in preventing severe Covid

Could a person’s finger length be a clue to how ill they might get with Covid-19?

Fingers could point to a link between low testosterone and Covid hospitalisations. It is widely recognised that a longer ring finger is a marker of higher levels of testosterone prenatally, whereas a longer index finger is a marker of higher levels of oestrogen. Generally, men have longer ring fingers, whereas women have longer index fingers. … Continue reading Could a person’s finger length be a clue to how ill they might get with Covid-19?

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