Trauma packs will save lives on Namibian roads

Trauma packs developed by Professor Judith Hall of Cardiff University and colleagues from Cardiff Metropolitan University will be used to tackle the extremely high death rates on roads in Namibia (MediWales, 2016). The Medical Research Council Public Health Intervention Development Scheme, which supports interventions addressing an important global or UK public health issue, is providing … Continue reading Trauma packs will save lives on Namibian roads

Cardiff University receives £1m investment to look after the brain’s immune system

£1m investment from the Hodge Foundation will enable researchers at Cardiff University to explore the role the brain’s immune system in brain disorders like Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia and epilepsy (Cardiff University, 2016). The new five year partnership will establish The Hodge Centre for Neuropsychiatric Immunology and bring together leading experts in neuroscience and immunology. The centre … Continue reading Cardiff University receives £1m investment to look after the brain’s immune system

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