Surgeons use 3D printed implant to rebuild chest wall
Peter Maggs, a seventy old year old grandfather from Abergavenny,...
Developing stem cell therapy for osteoarthritis
The University of Liverpool’s Institute of Integrative Biology is collaborating...
Language scheme improves understanding of health
A pioneering scheme with English language learners has had a...
University of Liverpool to lead diabetic eye disease project
The University of Liverpool is to lead on a £1.15m...
It’s unrealistic to use data to identify winter death risks
Expecting GPs to use medical records to identify individual patients...
Alternatives to seeing a GP unlikely to deliver benefits
The realities of implementing alternatives to face to face GP...
Study to help people exercise and lose weight
The University of Bath are carrying out a study using...
Risks to children of persistent postnatal depression
Postnatal depression which persists beyond six months after birth and...
AI software to be piloted for pregnancy screening
MedaPhor have announced the first pilot of its ScanNav real...