Funding to improve pancreatic cancer survival rates
Over £370,000 has been awarded to Dr Catherine Hogan at...
Intensive therapy better for early stage multiple sclerosis
New findings by researchers at Cardiff University suggest intensive therapy...
Seeing the unseeable to learn how viruses bind cells
Researchers at Cardiff University have used x-ray crystallography and computer...
Award for 3D printing project to support wheelchair users
Using his background in engineering, trainee clinical scientist Jonathan Howard...
Cardiff University becomes latest partner in BrainsCAN
Cardiff University has become the latest global partner in Western...
Swansea University study looks at top diabetic cyclists
Swansea University researchers have been monitoring the gruelling demands endured...
National Imaging Academy Wales officially opens
The National Imaging Academy Wales in Pencoed officially opened on...
Study find immunological scarring from coeliac disease
A new study suggests immune cells in the bowels of...
Pregnant women smoke and drink in secret rather than quit
The demonisation of women who smoke or drink during pregnancy...