Trial of coronavirus vaccine begins in Seattle
The US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases announced...
Imperial College finds a mitigation strategy for coronavirus could lead to 250,000 deaths in the UK
Yesterday BuzzFeed News reported the UK only realised "in the...
Otter genome to help understand genetic legacy of pollution crisis and secure species’ future
One of Britain’s best loved mammals is set to receive...
Researchers develop new tool to help detect hidden signs of autism in adults
Researchers have developed a potential new tool to help clinicians...
Global group to investigate links between rare genomic disorders and psychiatric conditions
Rare genetic disorders caused by small changes in a person’s...
New model designed to better understand the causes of Alzheimer’s disease
Scientists from Cardiff University have brought together all known risk...
Afon Technology makes breakthrough in diabetes management
A small team in Wales is on the verge of...
Swansea University playing key role in dementia research
Health records from over 80% of the Welsh population have...
Bond Digital Health joins the fight to control coronavirus
Digital technology developed in Wales could play a leading part...