BBI Solutions expand their antibodies product portfolio
BBI Solutions have launched over twenty new antibodies, extending their...
Launch of £13m dementia research centre at Cardiff University
Cardiff University will be playing a major role in the...
Cellesce completes six figure funding round
Cellesce, a Cardiff-based life sciences company, has completed a six...
A pacemaker for the brain can help memory
Well timed pulses from electrodes implanted in the brain can...
Bangor University computer games to research to help treat Parkinson’s disease
Research into how computer games stimulate the brain could be...
Significant improvements to the lives of people with rheumatoid arthritis probably down to early and more aggressive treatment
People living with rheumatoid arthritis have experienced significant improvements in...
App developed at Morriston Hospital could transform pressure ulcer care
An award winning team at Morriston Hospital in Swansea has...
Virtual syringe to help train surgeons
London-based company FundamentalVR has created a training simulation that allows...
IBERS starts £8.8m resilient crops programme
Aberystwyth University’s Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS)...