Two drug therapies that could cure all forms of tuberculosis

Two new drug therapies may be able to cure all forms of tuberculosis, even the ones most difficult to treat (New Scientist, 2017). TB Alliance is coordinating trials of the two treatments. The organisation’s president, Mel Spigelman, said “We will have something to offer every single patient. We are on the brink of turning TB … Continue reading Two drug therapies that could cure all forms of tuberculosis

Novel approach to treating common diseases

Researchers at Cardiff University’s School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences have discovered a new clinical approach that could provide a new avenue for treating a range of common diseases including cancer, strokes and high blood pressure (Cardiff University, 2017). The novel approach consists of indirectly targeting enzymes within cells, called kinases, which cause these often … Continue reading Novel approach to treating common diseases

NeedleBay could prevent life changing complications according to Cardiff University study

A study by Cardiff University has shown a simple device for controlling and organising diabetes medication could prevent patients from developing life changing complications and save the NHS millions of pounds (Cardiff University, 2017). Participants in the study were given a NeedleBay device which allows the user to prepare insulin needles a week in advance, … Continue reading NeedleBay could prevent life changing complications according to Cardiff University study

Further funding for bedside sepsis test

University of Liverpool spin-out Sepsis Limited has secured further funding support to test a point of care diagnostic tool for the early detection of sepsis (University of Liverpool, 2017). SBRI Healthcare has awarded Sepsis Limited £100,000 for the first phase of testing a working prototype of a hand held device that will be used at … Continue reading Further funding for bedside sepsis test

New discovery could advance the understanding of neurological diseases

The discovery of a new mechanism that controls the way nerve cells in the brain communicate with each other to regulate learning and long-term memory could have major benefits to understanding how the brain works and what goes wrong in neurodegenerative disorders such as epilepsy and dementia (University of Bristol, 2017). The breakthrough, published in … Continue reading New discovery could advance the understanding of neurological diseases

Welsh universities secure EU funding for the diagnosis and treatment of life threatening diseases

The National Research Network in Advanced Engineering and Materials (NRN AEM), an engineering network set up as part of the Welsh Government’s Science for Wales initiative, has been a significant support in aiding scientists to secure EU investments into Welsh universities (Business News Wales, 2017). Two projects funded as part of the NRN AEM have … Continue reading Welsh universities secure EU funding for the diagnosis and treatment of life threatening diseases

More cases of norovirus in the UK than previously estimated

Researchers have found that the annual number of estimated number of norovirus cases annually in the UK is approximately 800,000 greater than previously estimated (University of Liverpool, 2017). Norovirus is the most common cause of gastrointestinal disease for all age groups worldwide. The majority of cases experience a mild, self-limiting illness and few people tend … Continue reading More cases of norovirus in the UK than previously estimated

University of Liverpool head and neck cancer research gets £200k boost

A research project, based out of the University of Liverpool, which will bring together a multidisciplinary team of cancer surgeons, medical oncologists and scientists in Liverpool, has been given the go ahead thanks to £200,000 of grant funding (University of Liverpool, 2017). North West Cancer Research (NWCR) has awarded funding for a three year long … Continue reading University of Liverpool head and neck cancer research gets £200k boost

Bacterium lassoes its way from the mouth to the heart to cause cancer

The human mouth can harbour more than seven hundred different species of bacteria (University of Bristol, 2017). Under normal circumstances these microbes co-exist with us as part of our resident oral microbiota. But when bacteria spread to other tissues via the blood stream, the results can be catastrophic. Researchers from the University of Bristol have … Continue reading Bacterium lassoes its way from the mouth to the heart to cause cancer

New company provides vital resource to scientists in the fight against arthritis

University of Manchester researchers have established a new social enterprise, Inspiral Biomedical Limited, to support the development of new tests and treatments for musculoskeletal conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis (University of Manchester, 2017). Musculoskeletal conditions have a significant impact on people’s quality of life and are a huge burden on society. In the UK, around 21% … Continue reading New company provides vital resource to scientists in the fight against arthritis

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