Frontier Medical launches UK Toto rental business in partnership with Drive Devilbiss

Frontier Medical Group, the specialist medical device manufacturer, has announced the launch of its new UK Toto rental business in partnership with Drive Devilbiss Healthcare (MediWales, 2017). Designed to complement Frontier Medical’s existing capital sales, the new business offers the opportunity for customers to rent the Toto Automated Patient Turning platform, and will allow clinicians … Continue reading Frontier Medical launches UK Toto rental business in partnership with Drive Devilbiss

Welsh Government to invest £21m in high quality NHS research

More than £21m will be invested by the Welsh Government during the next year in high quality NHS Wales research to help develop the treatments of tomorrow (Welsh Government, 2017). The Health Secretary Vaughan Gething made the announcement during a visit to the Clinical Research and Innovation Centre at Aneurin Bevan University Health Board. The … Continue reading Welsh Government to invest £21m in high quality NHS research

Researchers to look at how diagnostics can deliver more effective use of antibiotics in animals

A consortium of seven academics, including two veterinarians from the University of Bristol’s School of Veterinary Sciences, have received a £1.75m grant to understand how better diagnostics can encourage responsible antibiotic use in animals (University of Bristol, 2017). The award, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) working in partnership with the Department … Continue reading Researchers to look at how diagnostics can deliver more effective use of antibiotics in animals

Sugar intake during pregnancy associated with allergy and allergic asthma in children

High maternal sugar intake during pregnancy may increase the risk of allergy and allergic asthma in children, according to an early study led by Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) involving University of Bristol researchers and almost 9,000 mothers and their children (University of Bristol, 2017). While some research has reported an association between a … Continue reading Sugar intake during pregnancy associated with allergy and allergic asthma in children

Researchers identify inflammatory biomarkers for brain injury

Researchers at the University of Birmingham have identified inflammatory biomarkers which indicate whether the brain has suffered injury (University of Birmingham, 2017). The team, led by Professor Antonio Belli, at the University of Birmingham’s College of Medical and Dental Sciences, now hopes to use these new biomarkers to develop a test which can be used … Continue reading Researchers identify inflammatory biomarkers for brain injury

New centre aims to transform services for ethnic minorities with mental illness

The University of Manchester, along with Queen Mary University of London and Words of Colour Productions, has been commissioned to establish an independent centre of excellence on ethnic inequalities, severe mental illness and multiple disadvantage (University of Manchester, 2017). With an award of £1,245,000 from Lankelly Chase Foundation, the Synergi Collaborative Centre will deliver a … Continue reading New centre aims to transform services for ethnic minorities with mental illness

1.2m people predicted to have dementia by 2040

A new study conducted by an international team of researchers, based at the University of Liverpool and University College London, has revealed that by 2040 there will be over 1.2 million people living with dementia in England and Wales, an increase of 57% from 2016, largely due to increased life expectancy (University of Liverpool, 2017). … Continue reading 1.2m people predicted to have dementia by 2040

Childhood obesity linked to hip diseases

New research from the University of Liverpool, published in Archives of Disease in Childhood, shows a strong link between childhood obesity and hip diseases in childhood (University of Liverpool, 2017). Significant hip deformities affect around one in five hundred children. Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis (SCFE) is the most common hip disease of adolescence. The condition … Continue reading Childhood obesity linked to hip diseases

Researchers gaining more insights into complex regional pain syndrome

People suffering from chronic pain often find their condition distracting and debilitating, but new research reveals that some might in fact be paying less, rather than more, attention to the source of their pain (University of Bath, 2017). The findings from researchers at the University of Bath and the University of Oxford, published in BRAIN, … Continue reading Researchers gaining more insights into complex regional pain syndrome

Advanced radiotherapy improves lung cancer survival rates

A ten year University of Manchester and Christie NHS Foundation Trust study which used advanced radiotherapy techniques in patients with limited stage small cell lung cancer (SCLC) has achieved the best survival rates and lowest toxicity ever reported (University of Manchester, 2017). The radiotherapy regimes, given either once daily or twice daily together with chemotherapy, … Continue reading Advanced radiotherapy improves lung cancer survival rates

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