Cardiff University announce partnership with Northwick Park Institute for Medical Research

Cardiff University has announced its scientists will develop new treatments, technologies and techniques with the charity-based Northwick Park Institute for Medical Research (NPIMR) (Cardiff University, 2017). They will develop pre-clinical medical research across areas including medical device technologies, regenerative medicine and tissue engineering.
Initial projects with NPIMR, based in Harrow, Middlesex, will focus on work at Cardiff University’s Welsh Institute for Minimal Access Therapy and the Welsh Wound Innovation Centre.
Professor Keith Harding, University Dean of Clinical Innovation, said “We are delighted to be working in partnership with NPIMR. The Institute is widely recognised for its work to improve outcomes and maximise benefits for patients and the wider NHS…Our new partnership is designed to fast-track ideas, translating them from research into treatments and technologies that will bring long-lasting benefits for patients.”
WIMAT has already worked closely with NPIMR. Together they developed UltraVision, a laparoscopic smoke clearing device commercialised by Alesi Surgical.
Professor Paul Sibbons, Director of NPIMR said “We are delighted to be partnering Cardiff to develop more successes like UltraVision…Two new joint projects in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering have already been identified and we expect to start work on them shortly.”
Both organisations cemented their partnership by signing an MoU. The agreement has been developed by members of the Cardiff University and Cardiff & Vale University Health Board Clinical Innovation Multidisciplinary Team. The Board and Cardiff University have a track record of working together to deliver innovation. The 2016 Clinical Innovation Partnership is aimed at delivering better patient healthcare and wealth creation in Wales by accelerating the translation of clinical innovation into improvements in health and clinical services.